Sunday, February 15, 2009

About Drive To California

“Drive that Fucker Home,” is a line that I totally dig from a Poi Dog Pondering tune and today that statement rang profoundly through my swimcap and into my brain as I swam laps in an empty, cavernous University Pool with just a lifeguard and me.

A bunch of “classic tunes” I have heard a thousand times throughout my life were reverberating around the big room and it suddenly hit me. I have been spoon-fed the same musical crap my whole life. The same damn songs over and over like there is some musical dictator hanging out somewhere approving or disapproving what gets sent out on the airwaves.

Whatever. I listen to more then just the airwaves. I listen to mostly what’s not on the airwaves, but then again, I take music fairly seriously. I sometimes think that if there were National Geographic Explorers who went on wild safari rides in remote musical landscapes in search of deep meaning and life-altering discoveries, then I would be that bearded guy wearing the cool tan vest, sitting on a camel cruising around some far-off place researching unspoiled, raw, beautiful rock and roll.

So, I dig it. I dig music and I’m not saying I have led some sheltered life away from it all, but in this strange moment while I was swimming laps of all things, it hit me hard and it got me pumped up to start spinning music again and writing about cool new bands.

It rocked my world. It made me furious and I don’t really get mad, so it was a bit strange. Mind you… Had you seen me swimming my laps, you would have never guessed that all this was swimming through my head, but as notes were struck on those same damn songs that have played countless times on the radio, I became increasingly inspired to get rocking.

Play something new! Let’s get off this roller coaster ride of musical monotony. Let’s set sail to explore some radical, free-thinking bands that are out there playing today and possibly tonight at a venue near you. That is what this blog is about and I hope that you might discover some new bands with me along the way.

I will also be launching my podcast "Drive To California" and featuring each recording on this blog. Stay tuned for what will be a great mix of over 50 years of sweet rock music.

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